Performance Management is a key element of the management toolkit for modern organisations. Investing time and resources to be sure that your organisation’s Performance Management systems are working efficiently and effectively is a worthwhile course to follow.
Key to fixing Performance Management system issues is to focus on the idea of ‘relevance’. What needs to be done to make the Performance Management system ‘relevant’ to the people who will use it? The answer to this question is different in each organisation, but there are some common factors that can be considered. 2GC combines an expert understanding of these factors with its extensive experience of working with organisations to address Performance Management issues. The methods and approaches we use are as varied as the issues we need to deal with, but you can be sure that our work draws upon our world-class combination of technical knowledge and practical experience.
KPI and Measure Selection
When it comes to KPIs 2GC can help you to:
- define measures and targets for your existing Performance Management system - whether we have been involved in the initial design or not,
- review the measures you have already chosen - offering advice on how to improve the measure definitions,
- see if there is scope to rationalise or simplify the measures and reporting methods employed,
- get you up and running with new performance measures quickly and effectively.
A fresh pair of eyes can be invaluable; our experience of helping client teams define and record measures, metrics, KPIs and targets for all objectives means we are well placed to assist. Many organisations find the choice and definition of strategic performance management measures is particularly hard: this is an area where 2GC is highly capable.

About one-third of organisations want their Performance Management tools to be deployed across more than one function or department, and across several levels of the organisation. For this to be effective, the management team needs Performance Management tools that are relevant to their operational requirements. Leaders need to know that the objectives being managed by each team is aligned with those they have set for the organisation as a whole. The design process used needs to be speedy and well co-ordinated. 2GC is a world-leader in the design and implementation of complex Performance Management systems of this type. Hugely experienced, we have techniques to make this process manageable and economical.
Whilst most organisations use simple tools to report performance data (see our Survey Reports for more on this), organisations with large numbers of performance management reports to generate often choose specialist software to automate the collection and reporting processes. There are many automation packages available, not all of which may meet your needs. Through our years of work in this field, 2GC has developed good links with many of the leading vendors of this type of software and can help you select the package best suited to your requirements. We can assist with the installation and we can also work with the vendor on the implementation. 2GC does not sell software so our advice is entirely unbiased.
Process Integration
Effective Performance Management processes are important, but for them to be effective they need to work in harmony with other organisational processes like budgeting, planning, risk management, project management, quality management, change management, goal setting, appraisal. We have worked with major organisations around the world on this kind of process alignment and integration. We can share the same experience and skills with you.